In an unexpected tale, a young American musician and social media star, Zeddy Wills, has got five women pregnant together.
The New York-based star, excited by the prospect of fatherhood, held a joint baby shower for the five expectant mothers.
One of the ladies, Lizzy Ashliegh, who happens to be a Brooklyn-based musician, shared details of the baby shower on TikTok.
The first video showed Ashliegh, 29, and the four other pregnant women happily posing with the father-to-be at the unconventional Queens baby shower.
Another part had the invite pictured a beaming Wills encircled by his five smiling pregnant partners, captioned “Welcome little Zeddy Wills 1 to 5.”
ignited shock and debate over Wills’ simultaneous celebration of the impending arrival of his five children with five different pregnant partners.
Video of Zeddy Wills’ joint baby shower stirs debate
The video, which garnered millions of views on TikTok ignited shock and debate. Wills’ simultaneous celebration of the impending arrival of his five children with five partners was too much.
Commenters expressed disbelief and disapproval at the man fathering five children with multiple women concurrently.
Many deemed the arrangement embarrassing and shameful, questioning the self-respect of those involved.
Ashanti reportedly pregnant with 1st child
Meanwhile, American singer Ashanti is reportedly expecting her first baby at age 43 with her boyfriend, Nelly.
Ashanti and Nelly dated between 2003-2013 after meeting at a Grammy Awards press conference. Though their romance fizzled after a decade, the musicians were spotted holding hands in Las Vegas.
Nelly confirmed they had reconnected on the Philo TV show “Boss Moves”, saying the reconciliation “surprised both of us.”