
Shocking: Anansa Sims Accuses Fiancé Of Cheating With 8 Different Women in January Alone

BY Nii Ogbamey Tetteh February 1, 2025 9:00 PM EDT
Anansa Sims and Matt Barnes

Model Anansa Sims has accused her fiancé, Matt Barnes, of cheating with at least eight different women in January alone. The couple is said to have welcomed a baby in October last year.

In a deleted social media post, Sims named the women she believes were having an affair with her partner. She provided their Instagram handles and the dates they connected with Mr. Barnes.

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According to her claim, some of the women have been with her partner for years, adding that two of them have been cheating with Barnes, a former basketball player, for six and seven years, respectively.

A screenshot of Sim’s now-deleted Instagram post with a heartbreak emoji read: “Why Matt? 8 different women in January.”

“She added a post saying: ‘I once loved a man so much that I was fixing him while he was breaking me.” The partner, however, has not condemned or denied the claim.

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Barnes and his fiancee are said to have been dealing with their relationship issues for a while. They are believed to have been going on and off their love life for many years.

The couple are said to have first met in the 1990s and got engaged during Christmas in 2022. But that was after a public breakup in 2018.

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Barnes has twins, Carter and Isaiah, from his previous marriage, while Sims has three children from her marriage to David Patterson Jr. In 2018, they welcomed their first child together.

Last year the couple started giving views behind-the-scenes of their blended family on The Barnes Bunch, on television.

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