
Marlon Wayans ‘Schools’ Katt Williams; Says Black Men Wearing Dresses in Hollywood Is A Sign Of Embracing Art

BY Dora Abena Dzaka January 23, 2024 3:21 PM EDT

Marlon Wayans is sharing his thoughts on Black men wearing dresses in Hollywood following Katt Williams’s recent Club Shay Shay interview, which left many sections of the entertainment industry in a state of chaos. 

Using iconic personalities like Madea and Big Momma as examples, Katt Williams expressed his disapproval of the way Black comedians are portrayed in cinema as parodies, frequently by wearing dresses.

Marlon, who wore some dresses in his now-iconic 2004 comedy White Chicks, believes that the discussions around Black men wearing dresses in Hollywood are “silly”.

 Marlon Wayans appeared on The Cruz Show on Los Angeles’ 92.3 and had this to say when the host solicited last words from the actor: 

“You are talking to a black man that is wearing a dress. That conversation to me, it’s silly. It’s a negative thing that is only in Black people,”  

“We have for some reason been programmed to look down on the craziest parts about our spirits. We’re supposed to embrace our past, our history, our heroes, and different levels of comedy.”

Given the numerous instances of white male actors wearing dresses in movies and television shows, Wayans believes that taking a serious look at the “long-standing comic norm in the Black community simply serves to undermine us”.

“We’re labeled by our own people. That is not an artist mindset. When you’re an artist you go out and create art,” Marlon Wayans said.

But Williams sees it differently and recalled turning down a role in Martin Lawrence’s Big Momma’s House 2 due to the dress he would’ve had to wear.

“He said, ‘Come on, man, it’s just comedy. It’s not that serious. It’s not like you’re really a woman.’ I said, ‘No, man, I’m not doing it. I have principles and I have dignity. I don’t want to disrespect myself or my people.’ He said, ‘Well, you’re missing out on a big opportunity. You could be a star.’ I said, ‘I’m already a star. I don’t need to wear a dress to be funny.’”

For as long as there has been fashion, people have embraced personal style. Furthermore, what appeals to one individual may not be as appealing to another. This is the situation when it comes to men dressing up for fashion or even when it’s necessary for a part they’re playing in a film.

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