
Lebron James And Son Sued For Damages Caused In 2022 Car Crash

BY Nii Ogbamey Tetteh November 1, 2024 2:47 AM EDT
Lebron James

NBA superstar LeBron James and his son Bronny are yet to respond to a lawsuit claiming damages for a 2022 car crash.

The case was reportedly brought up by two women hours before the father and son made history by playing an NBA game together for the Lakers at the Arena.

April Almanza Lopez and Kiara Rae McGillen are named as the complainants who took legal action.

They are requesting compensation for a November 2022 crash that reportedly took place in Littlerock, California. The women claim they sustained injuries from the alleged accident and that their vehicle was devalued as a result of the damage.

The James have yet to respond to the suit but some social media users have wondered why the complainants decided to take legal action at such a crucial time.

That notwithstanding, Lebron James and his son both shared their experience of playing together for the first time.

“Going up to the scorer’s table with my dad, checking in for the first time—that’s a crazy moment I’ll never forget,” Bronny said in a post-game interview.

“To be able to have this moment, where I’m working still, and I can work alongside my son, is one of the greatest gifts I ever got from the man above,” Lebron added.

In August, LeBron James spoke about how he intended to relate with his son, Bronny, on the basketball pitch, ruling that the youngster could only call him “dad” after the game was over.

“[He] cannot call me dad in the workplace…Once we leave out the private facility and the gates close, I could be dad again [and] in the car if we ride together, at home I could be dad,” he was quoted in excerpts of his interaction with sports outlet, ESPN.

The NBA superstar insisted he was keeping things professional on the pitch between him and Bronny, who decided to follow in his footsteps in the sports.

The Los Angeles icon won the third gold medal of his career at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris but had to endure some backlash, following what some fans described as an awkward interaction between him and a young fan in France.

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