Doja Cat has threatened to bear it to the public about her dad after informing him via Instagram. The Grammy winner posted a carousel on social media on Monday, May 27.
One picture featured her face pixelated, while the other featured her posterior with a statement that sent her fans into a tailspin.
“Dad, let me know when or if you need me to re-up your makeup cabinet because you’re a bitch.”
“I’m going to turn you into my next project, and you’re going to have to listen to it for the rest of your godforsaken life,” is what she originally wrote before altering it.
The Scarlet rapper was encouraged to write more by some of her fans, who thought she was writing about her biological father, South African performer Dumisani Dlamini.
Doja addressed her dad more candidly in the comments area, answering some of her admirers with,
“Go give the deadbeat a kiss on the lips for me,” and “Dipped and gave me a lazy eye.”
However, Doja later made another edit to the caption, which seemed to put a stop to her brief animosity toward her father.
“I love you; I was mad,” she wrote.
Doja has talked about her father in a number of interviews. She and her brother, Raman Dalithando Dlamini, were raised by their Jewish mother, Deborah Elizabeth Sawyer.
Despite never having met in person, Doja revealed that they had remained in contact via Instagram.
“He’s on Instagram and comments on my photos, but we’ve never met.
In an interview with Radio One D.C. in 2019, she mentioned, “Maybe not anymore, but he did a few times, like months ago,” at the five-minute mark.
She said the following things in the interview:
“He’s a fantastic actor as well as a fantastic dancer. He’s not someone I know well.”
She also disclosed that, when she was thirteen, she had intended to meet her father.
She went on to say that she would be “down” for it to occur at some point.
Doja Cat is said to have informed actress-comedian Whoopi Goldberg, who co-starred with Dlamini in the 1992 movie Sarafina! That,
“I didn’t get to meet him, but you did.”
“A good man, really a good man,” was Goldberg’s response.